Keeping Calm and Carrying On since before it was cool

Monday 19 September 2011

Crab Apple

 This weekend, I was in full Autumn mode, making crab apple jelly.

I love Crab Apple jelly, it is a memory of childhood for me. We had a big Crab Apple tree in our front garden and every year, about this time, me, my Mum and my sister would go outside and pick them. You are hopefully now picturing a blissful day where we are all laughing and rosy cheeked among the leaves.
Here is how it actually went:

I would insist on wearing a huge cowl neck hand knitted brown jumper that my Mum had made me, even though September is still WAY too warm for it (this jumper was VERY thick) so, about ten minutes after we started, I would have to go in and change.

At least once, either me or my sister would let go accidentally of the branch we were pulling down to reach the apples, pinging Crab Apples everywhere and nearly having each others eye out.

My mum would stand on a chair as she is very short and one of us would have to hold the chair steady so she did not fall (boring).

After about 15 minutes, me and my sister would get freaked out that spiders were going to fall on us from the tree as we were shaking it- thus abandoning the picking to go and make a cup of tea.

Leaving my lovely Mum outside on a shaky chair getting rained on by falling spiders.

See why I love it so much?

1 comment:

  1. Your poor mum. Love the way you write - very funny. Post your family recipe!
