Keeping Calm and Carrying On since before it was cool

Monday 26 September 2011

every once in a while

This weekend was the dreaded Last Weekend Before Payday.

I had a couple of social things that got cancelled last minute so I ended up with a long weekend to fill.

It actually turned out really well, I did loads of jobs that jump from one to do list to another:

Sorted out a pile of magazines

Sorted out linen cupboard

Mended some torn clothes

I also managed to do some baking, wash and line dry 2 loads of laundry, and clean the house.

And, I got 2 really good nights of sleep, had 2 very long hot baths and watched a film when the rain fell down on Sunday.
I wouldn't want to do it every weekend, I think I would get bored and lonely- but every once in a while it is just what I need.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds lovely. You are totally sorted & you did seem particularly chilled today!
