Keeping Calm and Carrying On since before it was cool

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Book club and breakfast

The aftermath of last night's monthly book club.

This month, our choice was 'Room' by Emma Donoghue and we all agreed it was an excellent read, and we scored it highly. It was the first book group in my new house (whoever chooses the book hosts the meeting) and it was really cosy with all my lamps and candles on while the rain poured down outside.

Then, this morning, I met my friends for our weekly Wednesday before work breakfast.
We meet in a local cafe, the market traders set up outside and come in for their teas and breakfasts while we chat and get ready for the day.
I look forward to it all week.


  1. I love that you're also in a book club! Isn't it soo much fun!
    We are reading the book One Day by David Nicholls (think that's the authors name). So far, I'm really enjoying it!

  2. Kristen, we did that one last month! We liked it too, but we found Dexter a bit annoying.
    Our next choice is 'Broken' by Daniel Clay which is based on 'To Kill A Mockingbird' but set now.
    I love bookclub as it makes me read things I wouldn't normally pick up although I am sometimes bad at finishing them!
